Palmetto Training is hosting an Industrial Needs Program

You are Invited!
September 29th  at 9:00 am

Palmetto Training Inc., located in the Colleton County
Skills Center, is hosting an Industrial Needs Program on
September 29, 2017 at 9:00 am.

This meeting is being held to inform you of the local funding
agencies: WIOA, Vocational Rehabilitation, Telamon,
Paxen, Eckerds, DSS, SNAP.

Your current and future
employee needs will be addressed.

We would also like to cover the training you need at your plant, the
skill level you are looking for in new hires or in general.
We want to find out who you are and how we can better serve your needs.

Breakfast will be served.
Palmetto Training is here to serve your long and short term needs.

(843) 538-2090 OR (803) 473-6401

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