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We encourage you to sign up for Promise Zone email alerts through the box below or through the section at the right of each page of the site.

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While we, umm, promise not to pester you with information, signing up will allow you to do two things:

  • First, you’ll automatically get notified whenever new posts of information or news are put on the Promise Zone website. (When you sign up, you can pick whether you want to be alerted immediately, daily or weekly; we don’t expect to be sending stuff more than once a week.)
  • Second, we’ll use this platform to send email newsletters with various information on a monthly or quarterly basis as they are developed.

If you haven’t checked out the website lately, you might find information helpful in these sections:

Grants: This page gives an overview of the Promise Zone and its grants process.

Promise Zone grant opportunities: This page gives a list and links to the 40-plus federal grant programs offered by 12 agencies involved in the Promise Zone program.

Other grant opportunities: On this page, we provide a list of other funding opportunities that we periodically hear about. We generally update this every week. Because updates to this existing page do not generate a new page, there won’t be an automatic email of updates. Therefore, check back periodically. (New updates are clearly marked.)

Promise Zone forms: This page outlines forms that you’ll need to work with the SouthernCarolina Alliance in certifying your grant application.

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