A monthly newsletter of what’s happening in the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone
There’s been lots of great news since the start of December for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone, including announcements of more than $241 million of capital investment and 162 new jobs in the region as well as $2 million wastewater infrastructure grant for Walterboro. Details:
$230 million expansion at Kronotex in Barnwell County: Swiss Krono Group announced Dec. 22 it would invest $230 million and create 105 new jobs in an expansion of a Barnwell County plant, officials announced today. To support the expansion, the Coordinating Council for Economic Development has approved job development credits, as well as a $1 million Rural Infrastructure Fund grant to Barnwell County to assist with the costs of real property improvements related to the project. Read more.
- Cypress Creek Renewables investing $8 million in Allendale County: Cypress Creek Renewables, a company that specializes in the ownership and development of long-term solar energy projects, has taken first steps toward investing $8 million in a solar energy project in Allendale County. The project, which is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2016, will create 40-60 jobs during construction. More.
- $3.6 million investment in Bamberg cooperage: Bamberg County will get a new cooperage facility from a $3.6 million investment that will create 57 jobs over the next five years, officials announced Jan. 6. More.
- Walterboro gets $2 million grant to improve wastewater plant: The City of Walterboro has received a $2,040,000 grant as part of the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone to make significant upgrades to its water and sewer treatment plant, officials announced Jan. 5. More.
- Black column on Promise Zone: SouthernCarolina Alliance President and CEO Danny Black penned a holiday column that looked back on the blessings that came in 2015 with the establishment of the Promise Zone. An excerpt:
“SouthernCarolina Alliance, our area’s economic development organization, is working daily to attract new companies to our six counties and helping our existing industries with expansions. As SouthernCarolina Alliance shares our exciting story with prospects across the nation and world, the Promise Zone’s 40 partners and supporters are applying for grants and working hard to make our story even better. This combined effort is generating a new excitement for our region that’s going to transform our future.”
- Read the full column, which was printed in several area newspapers.
Promise Zone funding to date: $11,645,952.69, as of Jan. 11, 2016
Capital investment: $315,800,000, since Oct. 1, 2015
New jobs: 210, since Oct. 1, 2015
Number of Promise Zone supporters and partners: 38 organizations, as of Jan. 11, 2016. Click here to see the list.
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As we continue to develop the Promise Zone and achieve its goals, we encourage you to:
- Continue to communicate and collaborate with your regional partners and peers on initiatives that can benefit both your organization and the region.
- Request Promise Zone endorsement for any federal grants that you submit. Instructions and forms can be found on our website, scpromisezone.org.
- Sign up on our website to receive ongoing email updates which include new grant opportunities, newsletters, announcements and other information.
Helpful links
Overview of the Promise Zone grant process
Promise Zone grant opportunities — a look at the 12 federal agencies and the 40+ programs that provide applicants with Promise Zone incentives to make grant applications.
Other grant opportunities — a look of various grant opportunities that may be available to groups working with the Promise Zone that are outside of federal grant programs. We post new information to this page on a rolling basis. Deadlines often are short:
Funding resources: Visit this page of different educational resources that Promise Zone partners and supporters might find interesting or helpful.
This monthly newsletter of the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone is produced by a supporting organization, The Center for a Better South. If you have information that you’d like to submit, please send an email to Andy Brack.
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