8/10 UPDATE: New grant opportunities, more


logo_updateIn this update, you will find great information on new funding opportunities, resources and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

  • RECENT NEWS:   You should read a fresh opinion piece by Promise Zone coordinator Dean Van Pelt that encourages folks to apply for grants.  Also, you will learn how entities have gotten almost $3.5 million in federal funding over the last month, meet new partners and learn about a big expansion.
  • COMING EVENT:  The S.C. Association of Community Economic Development has its annual conference next month that might provide you with the kind of information you need to apply for grants and more.
  • NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about five community economic development and capacity-building grant opportunities that Promise Zone communities can take advantage of.
  • OTHER OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about several other grant opportunities that you might want to investigate.
  • RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories on rural health, food hubs and more.

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Van Pelt: Let’s not miss our chances with Promise Zone

Commentary by Dean Van Pelt, S.C. Promise Zone  |  Because the six southern counties of South Carolina are in the federally-designated S.C. Promise Zone, there are tremendous opportunities for local organizations to tap into federal funding.

Van Pelt

Van Pelt

But there’s a catch: Federal dollars won’t rain down on our area unless we ask for them by applying for grants and loans.

The burden is on organizations that want to make a difference. They have to go through the sometimes arduous, time-consuming process of filling in forms and submitting applications to federal agencies if they want to receive funding for projects that will grow jobs, increase commerce, advance education, create better health care, improve infrastructure, leverage capital, boost affordable housing and more. Read more

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$1.5 million grant awarded to aid Promise Zone workforce development

Department of Labor funding to help with training in Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell counties

news about workforce development in the Promise ZoneJULY 27, 2016 — A national workforce development organization has received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to help 18- to 24-year olds in Allendale, Bamberg and Barnwell counties get job training for a path to meaningful employment.

“This is a great program and opportunity for the young adults and communities in which they live,”said Jonathan Zeigler, vice president of operations for Paxen, an affiliation of Florida-based Eckerd, which is a nationally-recognized nonprofit child and family services organization. Read more

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Promise Zone to benefit from new federal grants


Health-related grants will pump nearly $2.5 million into Promise Zone, neighboring areas

JULY 26, 2016  — Promise Zone communities and neighboring counties have received four federal grants worth almost $2.5 million that will pump health-related services into the region.

“These grants are the kind on-the-ground funds that should help make kids and adults healthier in our areas,” said Dean Van Pelt, coordinator of the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone, which includes all or parts of Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties.  Read more

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