Promise Zone unveils long-term, strategic action plan for region

PromiseZone_logo_80wMARCH 4, 2016  — A broad, long-term strategic action plan for the six-county S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone envisions a collaborative effort to provide omnipresent regional high-speed Internet access, develop a shovel-ready mega-site for jobs, build a sustainability culture, and reshape public education and health care, leaders announced today.

“This new plan is the fruit of a lot of hard work by hundreds of people throughout our six-county region,” said Danny Black, president and CEO of the SouthernCarolina Regional Development Alliance.  It is the lead organization of the Promise Zone.  “We’ve got big dreams that will transform our region if we continue to work together to use the blessings offered by the Promise Zone.  By focusing on the goals of this plan, we can reduce poverty by creating more jobs, improving education, reducing crime and building more opportunities for our citizens.” Read more

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Winter loan application workshop to be Feb. 17


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You are encouraged to register and join the South Carolina Community Loan Fund (SCCLF), a Promise Zone partner, for a Feb. 17 loan application workshop in Allendale that will help you learn how to secure funding for your community development project.  Please register today.

  • WHEN:  1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 17, 2016
  • WHERE:  Brandt Agricultural Building Auditorium, 398 Barnwell Highway, Allendale, SC
  • RSVP:  Click on this link to RSVP

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