Walterboro project engages citizens through arts, culture


Gary Brightwell and a local team celebrate their participation in The Art of Community: Rural S.C., an initiative of the South Carolina Arts Commission. The Walterboro Team includes (L to R) First Row: Eartha Cunningham, Jill Chadwick, Jason Cook, and Gary Brightwell; Second Row: Jennie Meetze, Kevin Griffin and Michelle Strickland.

By the S.C. Arts Commission  |  A small group of Walterboro citizens has embraced a new opportunity to make a positive contribution to the community through involvement with the South Carolina Arts Commission.

For several months, Gary Brightwell, director of the Colleton Museum, Farmers Market and Commercial Kitchen, has been leading a team to consider issues local citizens face and how arts and culture might be incorporated to address one or more of those challenges. Last spring, when the South Carolina Arts Commission reached out about a pilot program, The Art of Community: Rural S.C., Brightwell answered the call.  She agreed to serve as the “maven,” or connector, for Colleton County. Today, as part of the Art of Community initiative, she and her team are exploring the most relevant ways to connect local citizens with issues related to food, health and agriculture and adding a dose of arts and culture as a binder. Read more

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11/16 UPDATE: Review new grant opportunities

News and new grant funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

NEWS:   Town halls will be held today (Nov. 16) in Barnwell, on Thursday in Allendale and Monday in Hampton to brief leaders and interested parties on what’s been happening in the Promise Zone.

COMING EVENTS: The S.C. Arts Commission’s Susan DuPlessis will be part of a free Thursday webinar on how to strengthen rural development through cooperation.  Take a look below and join the one-hour presentation online..

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  There are a host of new and current funding opportunities, plus many for which deadlines are approaching.  See below for a comprehensive list of what’s new and available.

RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories that you may find helpful. Read more

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Promise Zone town halls scheduled for Allendale, Barnwell, Hampton

16.scpz.newsOfficials will outline progress, discuss projects being sought, more

NOV. 9, 2016  — Leaders of community organizations and neighborhoods are invited to attend town hall meetings this month in Allendale, Barnwell and Hampton counties to learn about progress in the S.C. Promise Zone and help to develop a new training program. Read more

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Bamberg to host growth strategy workshop Nov. 14-15


Promise Zone town is one of seven picked nationally for program

16.scpz.newsBamberg residents are invited to a workshop hosted by Smart Growth America on November 14, 2016, as part of a free, USDA Rural Development-funded technical assistance program. This workshop seeks to develop long-term strategies to help Bamberg save on infrastructure costs as the community grows.

Residents are invited to join the workshop’s first day for an introductory presentation on planning for economically and fiscally sustainable communities. The event will be held November 14, 2016, at 5:45 p.m. at the City Civic Center, 2477 Main Highway, Bamberg, S.C. 29003.  Read the agenda. Read more

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