12/6 UPDATE: Take a look at available grants

News and new grant funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

NEWS:   Read about how a small group of Walterboro citizens has embraced a new opportunity to make a positive contribution to the community through arts and culture.

LEARNING:   A new mapping tool as well as links to great online grant resources.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  There are lots of new and current funding opportunities, plus many for which deadlines are approaching.  See below for a comprehensive list of what’s new and available.

RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories that you may find helpful. Read more

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10/27 UPDATE: News and new grant opportunities

News and new grant funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

NEWS  Town halls are coming up in Nov. in Allendale, Barnwell and Hampton counties.  A Promise Zone team attended a national leadership training conference in Ohio.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Learn about lots of funding opportunities – from an extended deadline for a state health grant to federal grants to other grants.

COMING EVENTS: There are a host of coming webinars with good information.

RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories on rural health, education and more. Read more

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10/13 UPDATE: New grant opportunities and more

New grant funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

NEWS:   The Promise Zone has held two town hall meetings so far this month; another is set for Monday in Jasper County.  Allendale, Barnwell and Hampton counties will have meetings in November.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about more than a dozen funding opportunities to help rural communities become stronger – from pilot projects and health center grant offerings to community food projects and training for farmers.

COMING EVENTS: There are a host of coming webinars with good information.

RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories on rural health, education and more. Read more

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9/21 UPDATE: New grant opportunities and more

New grant funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

COORDINATOR’S CORNER:  Dean Van Pelt outlines a recent $4 million Labor Department grant submitted through a Promise Zone collaboration.

RECENT NEWS:   Learn more about a new Bamberg business and a television chef who visited the area to push education.

COMING EVENTS:  The S.C. Association of Community Economic Development three meetings in the next few weeks to outline its new Healthy Insights project, which includes grant funding to make inroads against diabetes and obesity.

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about several community economic development and capacity-building grant opportunities that Promise Zone communities can take advantage of.

RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories on rural health, education and more. Read more

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