OCT. 19, 2016 | There is more time to develop grant applications for up to $25,000 to promote health in each of South Carolina’s four regions, according to the Healthy Insights collaborative being managed by the S.C. Association for Community Economic Development.
The deadline has been extended to 2 p.m., Nov. 4, 2016. Learn more.
The match funding requirement has been lowered to a 1:1 match, which means that a $25,000 grant would require a minimum of a $25,000 match. However, in-kind funding, such as staff time and volunteer hours, can be used to satisfy 50 percent of the match requirement. Grant partners also may contribute resources to the project that count toward in-kind match funding, such as event space and staff time.)
- View the Request for Proposal:
- Click here to download the grant application (pp. 9-10 of RFP)
If you want to learn more, there’s a webinar planned for 3 p.m., Oct. 20. You can attend in two ways:
- From your computer, tablet or smartphone: Click here to access
- Via telephone: United States +1 (646) 749-3131 ; Access Code: 643-119-837
The purpose of this grant program is to demonstrate how public data sources can be used to guide initiatives that improve the health of and promote healthy lifestyles in South Carolina’s communities. By coupling data with the location of county and sub-county level community resources, SCACED will make strategic investments in community health projects. Each community is unique, and upfront data analysis will help illustrate how and where funds should be directed to support projects that address the health challenges a particular community faces. Considering this data, SCACED will provide four grants of up to $25,000 each in four South Carolina regions.