In the Zone | Nov. 3, 2015

A monthly newsletter of what’s happening in the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

Members of the healthcare workgroup met Oct. 20 to discuss long-term strategy. (Photo by Morgan Reuis.)

Members of the healthcare workgroup met Oct. 20 to discuss long-term strategy. (Photo by Morgan Reuis.)


Strategic planning sessions completed

SouthernCarolina Alliance, lead organization of the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone, completed eight strategy sessions in September and October with workgroups of partners and supporters by the end of October.

Education task force met Oct. 27 in Barnwell.

The Education task force met Oct. 27 in Barnwell.

Each of these workgroups — from economic development to K-12 education to workforce development — met with the Alliance’s strategist, who now will compile the results of July’s community meetings and these strategy sessions to craft a long-term strategic vision for the Promise Zone.  We expect that document to be ready by early 2016.

As we continue to develop this vision to tackle big challenges in the Promise Zone, we encourage you to:

  • Continue to communicate and collaborate with your regional partners and peers on initiatives that can benefit both your organization and the region.
  • Request Promise Zone endorsement for any Federal grants that you submit.  Instructions and forms can be found on our website
  • Sign up on our website to receive ongoing email updates which include new grant opportunities, newsletters, announcements and other information.


Here’s a look at various numbers that indicates how we’re doing:

Number of Promise Zone supporters and partners:  34 organizations, as of Nov. 1, 2015

New partners and supporters:  Family Solutions of the Low Country, joined Oct. 20, 2015

Promise Zone funding to date:  $8,605,952.69, as of Nov. 1, 2015

Capital investment:  $74,200,000, since Oct. 1, 2015

New jobs: 48, since Oct. 1, 2015


Three companies make major investments in Promise Zone

October brought more than $74 million in capital investment announcements to the Promise Zone by three companies:

  • Cypress Creek Renewables announced Oct. 23 it would build six new solar projects in Hampton County — an investment of $66.8 million.  More.
  • AS/R Systems, Inc., announced the same day that it would establish operations in Jasper County via a $2.5 million investment to customize and rebuild carousels for industrial applications. The investment will generate 11 jobs.   More.
  • Nupi Americas, Inc., announced Oct. 22 that it would invest $4.9 million in Hampton County to establish warehousing and distribution operations for piping and air-conditioning systems. Over the next five years, the investment will generate 37 jobs. More.

Four Promise Zone counties eligible for disaster help

The rains that flooded South Carolina in early October led to more than two dozen counties being eligible for federal disaster assistance, including the Promise Zone counties of Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell and Hampton.  Bamberg County residents are eligible for physical and economic injury disaster loans, while those who live in the other three counties who have small businesses or nonprofits can apply for economic injury loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.  More info.

Two ag projects get $161,000 in Promise Zone funding

The Town of Allendale received a $66,952.69 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for promotion of its Open Air Allendale market.  More.

The Corporation for Community and Economic Development United, Inc., received $95,000 in funding from USDA to work through collaborative partnerships to develop and deliver crop insurance education and risk management training.  It is expected to help 130 Promise Zone farmers. More.


You can follow us online, sign up to get free email news or share with us through our new Facebook page.


We urge you to check out these resources if you have not:

Overview of the Promise Zone grant process

Promise Zone grant opportunities — a look at the 12 federal agencies and the 40+ programs that provide applicants with Promise Zone incentives to make grant applications.

Other grant opportunities —  a look of various grant opportunities that may be available to groups working with the Promise Zone that are outside of federal grant programs.  We post new information to this page on a rolling basis.  Deadlines often are short:

Coming deadlines: 

Funding resources:  Visit this page of different educational resources that Promise Zone partners and supporters might find interesting or helpful.  Recently added:

  • Online tool kit for rural areas
  • Investing in strong rural communities
  • Rural hunger guide
  • Guide to running a food hub


This monthly newsletter of the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone is produced by a supporting organization, The Center for a Better South.  If you have information that you’d like to submit, please send an email to:

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

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