The South Carolina Lowcountry Promise Zone designation provides a new way for people in Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties to benefit from grant programs administered by 12 federal agencies through more than 30 programs.
What the designation is not: Promise Zone designation does not provide grant funding for projects. Having the “designation” is, however, a special pathway for counties in the Zone to tap into grant funding.
What the designation offers: The Promise Zone designation provides priority consideration for grants submitted to federal agencies by organizations within the Promise Zone or organizations planning work that will benefit citizens who live in the Promise Zone.
At the present time, the SC Promise Zone offers grant-finding assistance but does not offer grant-writing assistance to organizations interested in submitting grants through the Promise Zone process.
Promise Zone grant certification process
Organizations that wish to pursue a federal funding opportunity in the Promise Zone should:
1. Develop project plans and secure project partners.
2. Research federal agencies to determine which offer grants that could fund the project.
Explore this link, which provides information on federal agencies that recognize Promise Zones and offer grant programs.
Click here for detailed information on programs offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the priority it gives to Promise Zones.
3. Complete the appropriate federal agency’s grant application using internal staff, partner staff or external grant-writing sources.
You may want to consider partnering with an organization that has staff in place with grant-writing experience. Most counties and large municipalities have grant writers on staff.
Contact the Council of Governments in your area to inquire about their grant writing services.
* The Lower Savannah Council of Governments serves Allendale, Bamberg and Barnwell counties.
* The Lowcountry Council of Governments serves Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties.
Hire an experienced grant writer.
For the South Carolina Lowcountry Promise Zone to endorse your grant application, you must submit three things:
1. A completed Grant Endorsement Information Request spreadsheet. (See Forms link under Grants tab)
2. A completed and signed Grant Endorsement Promise Zone Benefit Certification Form. (See Forms link under Grants tab)
3. A copy of your grant Executive Summary.
Next steps
When you have completed the two forms and have a copy of the grant executive summary, please submit the information in one email to the Promise Zone Coordinator at info@scpromisezone.org.
The South Carolina Lowcountry Promise Zone Coordinating Council will review your information as quickly as possible.
If it is determined that your grant will provide benefit to the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone, the endorsed certification form will be sent to you. To receive Promise Zone Priority Points and placement from the granting agency, you will need to include this certification form in your grant submittal package.