Better South gets $50,000 training grant

Center President Andy Brack addressed a Promise Zone group last year in Allendale.

Center President Andy Brack addressed a Promise Zone group last year in Allendale.

AUG. 17, 2016  |  A $50,000 grant for technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow the Center for a Better South to develop and implement a new entrepreneurial training program in the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone.

“What great news this funding is for people who live in the Promise Zone,” said Center President Andy Brack.  “It will help us identify community needs in each of the Promise Zone counties for economic development training and then to target the kind of classes  on entrepreneurship that people want so they can start businesses and improve their communities.” Read more

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National leaders provide critical input on Promise Zone

Susan Glisson of Oxford, Miss., makes a point during a small group session as other participants listen.  Also pictured, from left:  Claire Anderson, Center for a Better South; Lavastian Glenn, Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Bill Milliken, Alexandria, Va.

Susan Glisson of Oxford, Miss., makes a point during a small group session as other participants listen. Also pictured, from left: Claire Anderson, Center for a Better South; Lavastian Glenn, Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Bill Milliken, Alexandria, Va.

FEB. 2, 2016 | A dozen leading thinkers and analysts from across the South met over the weekend to learn about the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone and make suggestions to broaden the impact of its collaborative efforts to reduce poverty.

“The ThinkBIG conference was an important step in our planning process in realizing our Promise Zone goals,” said Danny Black, president and CEO of SouthernCarolina Alliance, the lead organization of the Promise Zone.  “We were fortunate to have guidance from and discussion with experts from around the country in rural economic and community development, who joined us to share fresh ideas and innovative approaches to our challenges.” Read more

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