8/10 UPDATE: New grant opportunities, more


logo_updateIn this update, you will find great information on new funding opportunities, resources and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

  • RECENT NEWS:   You should read a fresh opinion piece by Promise Zone coordinator Dean Van Pelt that encourages folks to apply for grants.  Also, you will learn how entities have gotten almost $3.5 million in federal funding over the last month, meet new partners and learn about a big expansion.
  • COMING EVENT:  The S.C. Association of Community Economic Development has its annual conference next month that might provide you with the kind of information you need to apply for grants and more.
  • NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about five community economic development and capacity-building grant opportunities that Promise Zone communities can take advantage of.
  • OTHER OPPORTUNITIES:  Learn about several other grant opportunities that you might want to investigate.
  • RESOURCES:  This section provides links to studies and stories on rural health, food hubs and more.

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2/25 UPDATE: HUD offers new funding guide

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

Great new starting resource available through HUD

PromiseZone_logo_80wTo provide Promise Zone communities with a better idea of current, future and past funding opportunities, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has compiled a list of funding and technical assistance opportunities of the Promise Zone partner agencies.

There are more than 90 different entries in four tabs of an Excel spreadsheet includes a list of:

  • Programs that provide priority points or priority consideration.
  • Programs that do not provide preferences but will help further the goals outlined in Promise Zone plans.
  • HUD NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) Forecast.

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1/20: Promise Zone opportunities

New resources, webinars, funding information for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

Grant applications sought to help repair rural housing

Deadline: Extended to March 15, 2016

USDA Rural Development is seeking applications for grants to make housing repairs for low- and very-low-income rural residents, and has extended the deadline to March 15, 2016. The grants are being provided through USDA Rural Development’s Housing Preservation Grant Program.

This program are intended to help rural homeowners and rental housing owners repair and improve their properties. Funds may be used to resolve health or safety issues, make accessibility modifications for people with disabilities, or make energy efficiency improvements to reduce utility costs. Read more

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12/23: Promise Zone funding opportunities, resources, events

A weekly update for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

HUD has new online resource tool

PromiseZone_logoThe U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development has a rich, new online tool that allows a full website search on the HUD Exchange, a huge resource that includes results from all areas of HUD’s website that don’t require login access.

You can now use the search to find pages, resources, trainings, news, FAQs, grantees, reports, and other content. Users will be able to filter results by topic and by content type. The search will remain powered by the Google Search Appliance which adapts to user behavior, learning to deliver better results over time. Links that get more clicks automatically move up in the search ranking. Read more

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