12/23: Promise Zone funding opportunities, resources, events

A weekly update for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

HUD has new online resource tool

PromiseZone_logoThe U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development has a rich, new online tool that allows a full website search on the HUD Exchange, a huge resource that includes results from all areas of HUD’s website that don’t require login access.

You can now use the search to find pages, resources, trainings, news, FAQs, grantees, reports, and other content. Users will be able to filter results by topic and by content type. The search will remain powered by the Google Search Appliance which adapts to user behavior, learning to deliver better results over time. Links that get more clicks automatically move up in the search ranking. Read more

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11/2: Promise Zone funding opportunities, resources, events

A weekly update for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

PromiseZone_logoIn this post, you can find descriptions of new events, webinars, resources and funding opportunities that may be helpful to Promise Zone partners and supporters.

In this update are grant opportunities for rural construction projects, AmeriCorps volunteers, rural hospital improvements and several other projects. This update also offers lots of new resources that could be helpful to Promise Zone partners and supporters. Read more

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10/27: Promise Zone funding opportunities, resources, events

A weekly update for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

PromiseZone_logoIn this post, you can find descriptions of new events, webinars, resources and funding opportunities that may be helpful to Promise Zone partners and supporters.

In this update are grant opportunities for community food projects, healthier food purchases, community facilities and other agriculture-related funding streams. Read more

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Grants worth $161,000 to benefit Promise Zone area

Allendale to get help for farmers market; targeted farmers to get training

OCT. 6, 2015 — Two new agriculture-related federal grants worth more than $161,000 will help farmers and communities in the South Carolina Lowcountry Promise Zone through education and marketing efforts for locally-grown food, officials said today.

15.1006.allendale“One grant will allow targeted farmers and ranchers in the Promise Zone get risk management education that will help them make good decisions as they build sustainable and profitable agricultural businesses,” said Danny Black, president and CEO of SouthernCarolina Alliance, the lead organization for the Promise Zone. “Another will help support marketing efforts for locally-grown food at a farmers market in Allendale. Read more

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