An update of new funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone
In this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:
RECENT NEWS: A wire decking and shelving company is investing $2.5 million in a Walterboro facility that will create 50 jobs; and an Allendale County health care organization has won a $325,000 health infrastructure grant from the federal government.
NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Learn about a grant program that funds outcome-focused education strategies and a host of other education-related grant opportunities. Additionally, there’s information on the Small Business Administration’s Growth Accelerator Challenge; Treasury’s Low-income taxpayer clinic grant program; a new funding program for health centers; and a USDA effort to fund rural broadband.
OTHER OPPORTUNITIES: There are several other funding opportunities with coming deadlines — from water and wastewater grants and an HUD jobs program to other programs to grow rural businesses and help with specialty crop development.
COMING EVENTS: Check out information on a June Peer Learning Exchange program in Mississippi for Promise Zone partners to learn about what other communities are doing to make improvements. Also available: webinars on summer meal programs, , affordable housing, Community Connect grants and more.
RESOURCES: Read recent articles and studies that support Promise Zone activities. Read more