5/31 UPDATE: News, grant opportunities, webinars, more

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


In this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

RECENT NEWS:   A Promise Zone partner will host a training session on community development on July 13; MUSC is a new Promise Zone partner; and the SouthernCarolina Alliance celebrates 20 years of bringing good jobs to the region.

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: The state of South Carolina has $4 million for new housing initiatives.  The federal government has $300 million for strategic economic and community development. Read more

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5/9 UPDATE: New grant opportunities, webinars, more

An update of new funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

RECENT NEWS:   A wire decking and shelving company is investing $2.5 million in a Walterboro facility that will create 50 jobs; and an Allendale County health care organization has won a $325,000 health infrastructure grant from the federal government.

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Learn about a grant program that funds outcome-focused education strategies and a host of other education-related grant opportunities.  Additionally, there’s information on the Small Business Administration’s Growth Accelerator Challenge; Treasury’s Low-income taxpayer clinic grant program;  a new funding program for health centers; and a USDA effort to fund rural broadband.

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES:  There are several other funding opportunities with coming deadlines  — from water and wastewater grants and an HUD jobs program to other programs to grow rural businesses and help with specialty crop development.

COMING EVENTS:  Check out information on a June Peer Learning Exchange program in Mississippi for Promise Zone partners to learn about what other communities are doing to make improvements.  Also available:  webinars on summer meal programs, , affordable housing, Community Connect grants and more.

RESOURCES:  Read recent articles and studies that support Promise Zone activities. Read more

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4/27 UPDATE: Coming webinar, workshop, opportunities

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

RECENT NEWS:  Below you’ll find two broadband briefs — one on a new program offered by AT&T to provide low-cost broadband Internet to qualified households and another from the USDA that seeks grant applications to develop broadband in rural areas.

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Learn about almost a dozen new funding opportunities that to grow jobs, curb substance abuse, build capital in communities and more.

COMING EVENTS Check out the host of new webinars and events that can benefit Promise Zone stakeholders.

RESOURCES Read recent articles and studies that support Promise Zone activities.

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4/14 UPDATE: Two dozen funding opportunities, more

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

RECENT NEWS:  A new scholarship opportunity from the Alger program, plus a tax incentive bill by U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., that would benefit Promise Zones

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Learn about the USDA’s major new Strategic Economic and Community Development program and how it can help your community.  This section includes information on a dozen more new federal and nonprofit funding opportunities.

OTHER FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Read how your community can get a team of young people from Americorps to volunteer to strengthen your community.  This section includes 10 other funding opportunities related to food, nutrition, water, community economic development and more.

COMING EVENTS:  Learn how to register for an April 28 workshop in Charleston that provides information about the New Markets Tax Credit and how South Carolinians can access those funds.  Seven other events include webinars and calls on various topics:  brownfields, local food financing, food systems, the Affordable Care Act, community development and crowdfunding.

RESOURCES If you were not able to attend a federal broadband workshop on March 23 in Barnwell, you can download PowerPoint presentations through a link in this section.  Also available is information on a food promotion program, community development and infrastructure, vacant land reuse, brownfields and more. Read more

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