4/14 UPDATE: Two dozen funding opportunities, more

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

RECENT NEWS:  A new scholarship opportunity from the Alger program, plus a tax incentive bill by U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., that would benefit Promise Zones

NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Learn about the USDA’s major new Strategic Economic and Community Development program and how it can help your community.  This section includes information on a dozen more new federal and nonprofit funding opportunities.

OTHER FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES:  Read how your community can get a team of young people from Americorps to volunteer to strengthen your community.  This section includes 10 other funding opportunities related to food, nutrition, water, community economic development and more.

COMING EVENTS:  Learn how to register for an April 28 workshop in Charleston that provides information about the New Markets Tax Credit and how South Carolinians can access those funds.  Seven other events include webinars and calls on various topics:  brownfields, local food financing, food systems, the Affordable Care Act, community development and crowdfunding.

RESOURCES If you were not able to attend a federal broadband workshop on March 23 in Barnwell, you can download PowerPoint presentations through a link in this section.  Also available is information on a food promotion program, community development and infrastructure, vacant land reuse, brownfields and more. Read more

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Allendale to host April 15 Lowcountry food initiative meeting

If you know children who are hungry in the summer and who don’t eat quality meals after they leave school or if you are passionate about feeding local, South Carolina food to Lowcountry children, you should consider joining local, state and federal partners at an April 15 meeting in Allendale.

At the meeting, experts and community members will discuss summertime and after-school meals, current programs and share information about how to provide affordable and health snacks and meals for children.

WHEN:  1 p.m. to 4 p.m., April 15, 2016

WHERE:  Brandt Building Auditorium, 398 Barnwell Highway, Allendale, S.C.

PARTNERS:  U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service, Summer Food Rocks, SC. Child Care, Department of Social Services, and SouthernCarolina Alliance.

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4/4 UPDATE: Coming webinar, workshop, opportunities

New funding opportunities and resources for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone


logo_updateIn this update, you will find new information and recent news on a variety of topics, including:

  • April 6 webinar on Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program: See our COMING EVENTS section at the bottom of this page to learn how to join an April 6 webinar of an overview about this program.
  • New Markets Tax Credit workshop in Charleston: Learn how to register for an April 28 workshop in Charleston that provides information about the New Markets Tax Credit and how South Carolinians can access those funds.  See our COMING EVENTS  section below.
  • Opportunities to get AmeriCorps volunteers in your community: Read below in NEW FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES about how your community can get a team of young people to volunteer to strengthen your community.

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1/20: Promise Zone opportunities

New resources, webinars, funding information for the S.C. Lowcountry Promise Zone

Grant applications sought to help repair rural housing

Deadline: Extended to March 15, 2016

USDA Rural Development is seeking applications for grants to make housing repairs for low- and very-low-income rural residents, and has extended the deadline to March 15, 2016. The grants are being provided through USDA Rural Development’s Housing Preservation Grant Program.

This program are intended to help rural homeowners and rental housing owners repair and improve their properties. Funds may be used to resolve health or safety issues, make accessibility modifications for people with disabilities, or make energy efficiency improvements to reduce utility costs. Read more

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